We are all interconnected.
We don’t just exist on our own, we co-exist.
Organic simply means living in harmony with nature.
When it comes to organic fabrics, it’s difficult for many to see the value.
What exactly is the point of buying organic fabrics? you ask.
Let’s see.
Organic fabrics eliminate suffering and exclude toxicity from the process of fabric production. They provide a sustainable way of living, save lives, nourish land, keep the air fresh and water clean. Creating a suitable environment for life to flourish. In addition, they are good for our skin.
Organic fabrics use the fibres grown without the use of any toxic pesticides or chemical fertilizers. It means no harm is done to the environment or living beings in the process of organic fabric production.
In conventional farming, when poisonous chemicals are sprayed, they contaminate the air, the water and the land. The farmers, their families, the workers and the animals come in direct contact with these harmful substances. They inhale them daily, drink polluted water and eat chemically contaminated food. Causing life threatening diseases, causing deformities in new born children and much more. Leading to lives full of despair, pain and suffering.
With the environmental and health hazards, non-organic farming practices also lead to a mental and financial distress for the farmers. The usage of chemical fertilizers and pesticides depletes nutrients from the soil and eventually turns the land infertile. GMO seeds are offered promising high yields and farmers see no choice but to buy them. The more they spray, the more they’ll need.
Farmers must take more debt to afford these pricy seeds and chemicals to spray on their crops. The land loses its fertility and farmers end up spraying even more chemicals to bring up the yield. This cycle continues and many times it ends when the farmer ends his life. Not getting a good yield, not being able to feed his family and the pressure of paying his debts pushes the farmer to commit suicide.
What organic fabrics do is that they protect the environment, eliminate the suffering of men, women, children and animals. They prevent diseases, deformities and pain. They play a part in preventing farmers’ suicides.
It’s time that we realize the importance of organic fabrics and understand that our choices have consequences. There was a time when products didn’t need to be certified organic, they just were organic. This was a time when poisoning our food, the environment and our bodies wasn’t a common practice. But now we must choose consciously the products we buy and consume, where our products come from, how they’re grown, produced and manufactured.
What we allow, continues and what we don’t know, we can’t change.
Be mindful and foster change.
Organic is not just a trend.
